Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sixteen Brides by Stephanie Grace Wilson

Sixteen women head to Plum Grove, Nebraska with hopes of free land and a fresh start. What they find out is they have been tricked and are actually to be brides for the local bachelors. Six of the women decide to show the con-artist that they are self-sufficient and refuse to be claimed by a man. These women begin the journey of a lifetime. This was a wonderful story of hope, forgiveness, love, and new beginnings. The author does a great job of intertwinning the story and lives of the six main characters. You begin to truly admire each of the women as the band together to create a new life for themselves. While homesteading is hard work, they come up with a creative plan to buy four plots of land to homestead and put one house that sits on a corner of each plot. This way they share the work and bounty and create a new life. This was a great book with a great storyline.

This book was sent to me by Bethany House Publishers as part of their book review program. I was sent a free copy of this book to review.

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