“Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See it and Seize it”
Have you ever had a dream for your life? Are you currently living out your dream? These two questions are answered in John C Maxwell’s newest book “Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See it and Seize it”. This is a very well written book that helps you remember that dream that you have always had and how to “put it to the test” and get it accomplished. By asking yourself the 10 questions, you are able to clarify your dream and start on the path to fulfilling that dream.
John C Maxwell’s 10 Questions to Help You See and Seize Your Dream:
The Ownership Question: Is My Dream Really My Dream?
The Clarity Question: Do I Clearly See My Dream?
The Reality Question: Am I Depending on Factors within My Control to Achieve My Dream?
The Passion Question: Does my Dream Compel Me to Follow It?
The Pathway Question: Do I Have A Strategy to Reach My Dream?
The People Question: Have I Included the People I Need to Realize My Dream?
The Cost Question: Am I Willing to Pay the Price for My Dream?
The Tenacity Question: Am I Moving Closer to My Dream?
The Fulfillment Question: Does Working toward My Dream Bring Satisfaction?
The Significance Question: Does My Dream Benefit Others?
I really believe that the first question is the most important. Is your dream really yours? Many times we are living out someone else’s dream for our life. If you answer that question in the affirmative, then you begin going through the rest of the questions and “testing” your dream. Each chapter covers one question and it also includes a real-life story that is relevant that that section. Also, at the end of each chapter that are questions you can ask yourself to see if you are on track.
Overall, this will be one of my favorite books to read again and again. John C. Maxwell has written so many great books on leadership, but this is my personal favorite.