Sunday, September 20, 2009

Book Review: What's He Really Thinking? by Paula Rinehart

It's something all women ask themselves on a regular basis. "What is he REALLY thinking?" Most of the time we feel as though we have no clue what is going on in the mind of the men in our lives. I know most of us have really tried to figure them out. Men and women were created differently. That's obvious. We communicate differently (or don't communicate at all). Sometimes it seems as if we speak a different language. These differences and also my desire to try to figure these men out, is what made me really enjoy Paula Rinehart's newest book "What's He REALLY Thinking? How to be a Relational Genius with the Man in Your Life". Paula has many years of counseling and has really been able to explain what these men are thinking.

I learned a lot by reading this book. There were several aspects that I learned the most about. One is that a man's upbringing, life experiences, and relationships create his "story". This story shapes who he is --the good and the not so good. This story is why he reacts certain ways to certain situations or stressors. This story explains why he has certain fears and insecurities. But as you look at the man's story you begin to realize that you also have a story that interacts with his story. Your story effects how you see him, think about him, talk to him, and what you expect of him. You have to understand your story, which includes your upbringing, fears, insecurities, and life experiences and understand how if effects you. Understanding your story helps you learn to deal with your expectations and fears. When you understand your story, you can better understand how it effects your relationship with the men in your life.

Another aspect I learned is that while it is really important to understand what he is thinking, the next most important part is what you do with this knowledge. What a woman does and says can either build up or tear down a man. This knowledge helps a woman to understand the importance of a man needing respect, the importance of you being his biggest cheerleader and that he knows you need him. And doing the opposite of respect, disrespect or contempt, can tear a man down really fast.

So, if you're trying to figure out what in the world the men in your life is thinking, consider reading this book. It will really help open your eyes and mind to what he is really thinking. But remember, that this book will also cause you to look inwardly at your life. It will make to consider your actions and your words and how they can be helpful or hurtful in your relationships with your man.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book Review: Fearless by Max Lucado

I have read several of Max Lucado's books in the past, but his newest book, Fearless, is by far the best I have ever read. We all have fears that hold us back from really living our life. We have fears of making the right decision, fears of the economy, fears of death, fears of not being good enough, fears of mistakes and the list goes on and on. Max Lucado breaks this book into chapters dealing each dealing with a specific type of fear. He explains why we have this fear but, most importantly, how we can overcome our fears. By keeping our eyes on God, we can overcome our fear and be given a peace. This book really covers how we should trust God in all situations.

The chapters are as follows:

1. Why Are We Afraid?
2. Fear of Not Mattering
3. Fear of Disappointing God
4. Fear of Running Out
5. Fear of Not Protecting My Kids
6. Fear of Overwhelming Challenges
7. Fear of Worst Case Scenarios
8. Fear of Violence
9. Fear of the Coming Winter
10. Fear of Life's Final Moments
11. Fear of What's Next
12. Fear That God Is Not Read
13. Fear of Global Calamity
14. Fear of God Geting Out of My Box
15. William's Psalm

My favorite chapters are 1 and 6. Chapter 1 discuses one of my favorite scriptures: Matthew 8:23-27 - Jesus Calming the Storm. This section of scripture really speaks to me about why we should not be afraid when storms come in our life. We know WHO is in control. We have seen his miracles and we know he keeps his word when he tells us that he will get us to the other side--no matter what happens on the boat ride. Chapter 6 talked about the fear of overwhelming challenges. In this chapter, Max Lucado tells us the importance of keeping our eyes on the "Pilot". In this chapter, Max uses the scripture from Matthew 14: 22-32--Jesus Walks on Water. This is another storm the disciples had to go through, and this time Jesus was not with them. Jesus walks on the water to them and Peter asks that he may come to Jesus on the water. You know the story, as soon as Peter started walking on the water he became afraid and began to sink. Jesus reached out for Peter's hand and caught him.

Chapter 6 talks about the importance of keeping our gaze on Jesus during our storms. When we keep our eyes on the "Pilot"--Jesus--the storm may not end, but we know that the pilot will always be in control of the situation. The storm becomes much more easier to face and we are given a peace about the ending. There were a few quotes from the book that I also want to share with you.

"We never expect to see him (Jesus) in a storm. But it is in storms that he does his finest work, for it is in storms that he has our keenest attention". (Pg. 70)

"Whether or not storms come, we cannot choose. But where we stare during a storm, that we can". (Pg. 72)

"Feed your fears, and your faith will starve.
Feed your faith, and your fears will". (Pg. 74)

Fearless was an inspiring book. Each chapter really spoke to me and helped me realize the fears that I have in my life. But most importantly, this book helped to realize that I really need to be giving these fears to God. This book is a must read and a book that I will read again and again.

Fearless by Max Lucado is being released today, Tuesday, September 8, 2009!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Book Review: Put Your Dream To The Test by John C. Maxwell

“Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See it and Seize it”

Have you ever had a dream for your life? Are you currently living out your dream? These two questions are answered in John C Maxwell’s newest book “Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See it and Seize it”. This is a very well written book that helps you remember that dream that you have always had and how to “put it to the test” and get it accomplished. By asking yourself the 10 questions, you are able to clarify your dream and start on the path to fulfilling that dream.

John C Maxwell’s 10 Questions to Help You See and Seize Your Dream:

The Ownership Question: Is My Dream Really My Dream?
The Clarity Question: Do I Clearly See My Dream?
The Reality Question: Am I Depending on Factors within My Control to Achieve My Dream?
The Passion Question: Does my Dream Compel Me to Follow It?
The Pathway Question: Do I Have A Strategy to Reach My Dream?
The People Question: Have I Included the People I Need to Realize My Dream?
The Cost Question: Am I Willing to Pay the Price for My Dream?
The Tenacity Question: Am I Moving Closer to My Dream?
The Fulfillment Question: Does Working toward My Dream Bring Satisfaction?
The Significance Question: Does My Dream Benefit Others?

I really believe that the first question is the most important. Is your dream really yours? Many times we are living out someone else’s dream for our life. If you answer that question in the affirmative, then you begin going through the rest of the questions and “testing” your dream. Each chapter covers one question and it also includes a real-life story that is relevant that that section. Also, at the end of each chapter that are questions you can ask yourself to see if you are on track.

Overall, this will be one of my favorite books to read again and again. John C. Maxwell has written so many great books on leadership, but this is my personal favorite.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Book Review: The Noticer by Andy Andrews

His name was Jones. Not Mr. Jones, just Jones. If you had the opportunity to meet Jones, you would never forget him. He had a way of making a significant impact on your life. He always seemed to come around when you were at your lowest. Life was difficult and you were not sure how to keep going. But then you met Jones. He called himself a "noticer", because he noticed things that others overlooked. He noticed "things about situations and people that produce perspective. That's what most folks lack--perspective--a broader view".

Perspective--it's about how you look at things--how you look at life. That is what I learned from reading this book. No matter how bad things look, it was all about HOW I looked at things. "The Noticer" is an amazing story of how one man changed a community. He helped many people look at their lives differently. Jones helped Andy who was 23, homeless, and parentless. He helped Andy find perspective and it changed his life. Jones helped a couple find perspective which helped them save their marriage. He helped an older widow, who felt her life had been lived and was finished, find perspective that her life was just starting and that even she could make a huge impact in people's lives. Jones helped so many people. He touched many lives.

"The Noticer" by Andy Andrews is one of the best books I have ever read. The book could not have come at a better time for me to read, as I gained perspective. Amazing, inspirational, encouraging are just a few of the many words that could be used to describe this book. This is a book that I will read again and again. This is a book that EVERYONE should have and read.

"The Noticer" by Andy Andrews will be available to buy tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Go pick up a copy for yourself. You will be inspired by this book.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Book Review: The Great Eight by Scott Hamilton

I had the opportunity to read Scott Hamilton's book "The Great Eight: How to Be Happy (even when you have every reason to be miserable)". I had seen this book on the shelves of our local Christian bookstore and had been wanting to read it. I have always been a fan of Scott Hamilton's skating and I was really excited to learn more about his life. While the book is not an autobiography, Scott does talk about his life experiences. He has had many rough times in his life, but he has chosen to be happy. He lists 8 lessons (or keys) that he has learned to be really happy. In each lesson he includes many examples of his life and also how you can apply the lesson to your life. Since Scott is a figure skater, each lesson uses skating as an example. While each lesson does seem like it would be common sense, when you really think about it, you wonder why have I not been doing this?

What I really liked most about this book is that we will ALL face difficult times in our lives and it is how we deal with it that will impact us the most. We can either learn to be happy (in spite of the difficult circumstances) or allow the difficult times to rule (and ruin) our lives.

Scott had every reason to be down on life. He had a mysterious childhood illness that every doctor had given up on him and sent him home to die. He was constantly picked on because he was so small and so sickly. Skating changed his life. After he started skating, he started to get well and his mystery illness disappeared. Skating became his passion and he even won a gold medal in the Olympics! While he had many ups and downs in life, his biggest battle came when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He fought the battle and won and then was hit again a few years later with a brain tumor. He had every reason to be disappointed and to wallow in self-pity and he did get to a point where he was living "in fear of the next calamity that would strike" him. His turning point came after hearing a thirteen-year old cancer survivor speak at a conference. This girl, Shawna Culp, made a statement that changed his life. She said "The worst thing that ever happened to me is cancer. The best thing that ever happened to me is cancer." From that day on, Scott began to look at his "curses" to be blessings. He wrote this book in an effort to share with us how he found happiness and how you can find it too.